饶秋  饶秋:39岁,博士,副主任医师,南京大学博导,南京医科大学硕导。东部战区总医院博士后合作导师,病理科主任。曾在美国印第安那大学病理系做访问学者,目前在临床病理一线从事外科病理诊断工作,同时也从事与肾脏肿瘤病理和分子病理学相关的临床和基础性研究。
  中华医学会病理学分会 青年委员
  中华病理学会泌尿学组 副组长
  中华医学会病理学分会分子学组 委员
  中国病理医师协会青年委员会 委员
  中国病理医师协会分子病理委员会 委员
  国家卫生和计划生育委员会病理质控评价中心(PQCC)分子病理组 委员
  中国实验医学病理专委会 常委
  中国医促会病理分会 委员
  中国研究型医院病理分会 委员
  中华病理学杂志 特邀专家审稿人
  《医学研究生学报》杂志 编委
  2011年 获南京军区南京总医院优秀博士论文奖
  2012年 因工作成绩突出获得南京军区南京总医院刘志红院士青年医学奖
  2013年 荣获“吴秉铨病理学发展基金会”2013年度 “优秀中青年学者奖”
  2015.8 因发表文章被引频率较高和数量较多被《中华病理学杂志》编委会表彰授予“金笔奖”
  2016 荣获中国医师协会病理分会 “中国杰出青年病理医师奖”
  主持国家自然科学基金2项,江苏省自然科学基金1项。获得国家发明专利2项(第一发明人)。近年来其相关研究获得了较多研究成果,发表论文100余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者SCI论文30余篇,多篇于著名的Am J Surg Pathology、Modern Pathology、Histopathology等本学科国际著名杂志。2017经Google学术统计,相关文章引用总次数累计达到800余次。多篇文章被2016版WHO泌尿及男生殖系统肿瘤分类引用。2017报道了首例PRCC-MITF基因融合肾细胞癌。
  Xia QY, Wang XT, Ye SB, Wang X, Li R, Shi SS, Fang R, Zhang RS, Ma HH, Lu ZF, Shen Q, Bao W, Zhou XJ, Rao Q. Novel gene fusion of PRCC-MITF defines a new member of MiT family translocation renal cell carcinoma: clinicopathologic analysis and detection of the gene fusion by RNA-sequencing and FISH. Histopathology. 2017 Nov 17. doi: 10.1111/his.13439. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29148086.
  1: Xia QY, Wang XT, Zhan XM, Tan X, Chen H, Liu Y, Shi SS, Wang X, Wei X, Ye SB, Li R, Ma HH, Lu ZF, Zhou XJ, Rao Q. Xp11 Translocation Renal Cell Carcinomas (RCCs) With RBM10-TFE3 Gene Fusion Demonstrating Melanotic Features and Overlapping Morphology With t(6;11) RCC: Interest and Diagnostic Pitfall in Detecting a Paracentric Inversion of TFE3. Am J Surg Pathol. 2017 May;41(5):663-676.
  2: Xia QY, Wang Z, Chen N, Gan HL, Teng XD, Shi SS, Wang X, Wei X, Ye SB, Li R, Ma HH, Lu ZF, Zhou XJ, Rao Q. Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma with NONO-TFE3 gene fusion: morphology, prognosis, and potential pitfall in detecting TFE3 gene rearrangement. Mod Pathol. 2017 Mar;30(3):416-426.
  3: Xia QY, Zhan XM, Fan XS, Ye SB, Shi SS, Li R, Wei X, Wang X, Ma HH, Lu ZF, Zhou XJ, Rao Q. BRM/SMARCA2-negative clear cell renal cell carcinoma is associated with a high percentage of BRM somatic mutations, deletions and promoter methylation. Histopathology. 2017 Apr;70(5):711-721.
  4: Wang XT, Xia QY, Ni H, Wang ZY, Ye SB, Li R, Wang X, Lv JH, Shi SS, Ma HH, Lu ZF, Shen Q, Zhou XJ, Rao Q. Xp11 neoplasm with melanocytic differentiation of the prostate harbouring the novel NONO-TFE3 gene fusion: report of a unique case expanding the gene fusion spectrum. Histopathology. 2016 Sep;69(3):450-8.
  5: Rao Q, Shen Q, Xia QY, Wang ZY, Liu B, Shi SS, Shi QL, Yin HL, Wu B, Ye SB, Li L, Chen JY, Pan MH, Li Q, Li R, Wang X, Zhang RS, Yu B, Ma HH, Lu ZF, Zhou XJ. PSF/SFPQ Is a Very Common Gene Fusion Partner in TFE3 Rearrangement-associated Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumors (PEComas) and Melanotic Xp11 Translocation Renal Cancers: Clinicopathologic, Immunohistochemical, and Molecular Characteristics Suggesting Classification as a Distinct Entity. Am J Surg Pathol. 2015 Sep;39(9):1181-96.
  6: Rao Q, Xia QY, Wang ZY, Li L, Shen Q, Shi SS, Wang X, Liu B, Wang YF, Shi QL, Ma HH, Lu ZF, He Y, Zhang RS, Yu B, Zhou XJ. Frequent co-inactivation of the SWI/SNF subunits SMARCB1, SMARCA2 and PBRM1 in malignant rhabdoid tumours. Histopathology. 2015 Jul;67(1):121-9.
  7: Rao Q, Williamson SR, Zhang S, Eble JN, Grignon DJ, Wang M, Zhou XJ, Huang W, Tan PH, Maclennan GT, Cheng L. TFE3 break-apart FISH has a higher sensitivity for Xp11.2 translocation-associated renal cell carcinoma compared with TFE3 or cathepsin K immunohistochemical staining alone: expanding the morphologic spectrum. Am J Surg Pathol. 2013 Jun;37(6):804-15.
  8: Rao Q, Liu B, Cheng L, Zhu Y, Shi QL, Wu B, Jiang SJ, Wang Y, Wang X, Yu B, Zhang RS, Ma HH, Lu ZF, Tu P, Wang JD, Zhou XJ. Renal cell carcinomas with t(6;11)(p21;q12): A clinicopathologic study emphasizing unusual morphology, novel alpha-TFEB gene fusion point, immunobiomarkers, and ultrastructural features, as well as detection of the gene fusion by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Am J Surg Pathol. 2012 Sep;36(9):1327-38.
  9: Rao Q, Williamson SR, Lopez-Beltran A, Montironi R, Huang W, Eble JN, Grignon DJ, Koch MO, Idrees MT, Emerson RE, Zhou XJ, Zhang S, Baldridge LA, Cheng L. Distinguishing primary adenocarcinoma of the urinary bladder from secondary involvement by colorectal adenocarcinoma: extended immunohistochemical profiles emphasizing novel markers. Mod Pathol. 2013 May;26(5):725-32.
  10: Rao Q, Cheng L, Xia QY, Liu B, Li L, Shi QL, Shi SS, Yu B, Zhang RS, Ma HH, Lu ZF, Tu P, Zhou XJ. Cathepsin K expression in a wide spectrum of perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasms (PEComas): a clinicopathological study emphasizing extrarenal PEComas. Histopathology. 2013 Mar;62(4):642-50.